

Health Status and Major Diseases in Afghanistan
– Afghanistan has an estimated population of around 40 million people, with approximately 35 million residing in the country.
– In 2016, Afghanistan had the second lowest health worker density in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, with a ratio of 4.6 medical doctors, nurses, and midwives per 10,000 people.
– Hospitals and clinics are present in most districts of Afghanistan, but the quality of healthcare they provide is uncertain.
– UNICEF warned in January 2022 that up to 1 million children in Afghanistan were at risk of death from malnutrition.
– Major diseases in Afghanistan include cancer, Covid-19, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, diabetes, and hepatitis.

Hepatitis and Leishmaniasis in Afghanistan
– Hepatitis A poses a risk to the Afghan population due to sanitation issues and consumption of contaminated food and water.
– Hepatitis C prevalence in the general population is around 1% in Afghanistan, with higher rates among people who inject drugs.
– In 2023, there are more than 12,000 people living with HIV in Afghanistan.
– Leishmaniasis, a vector-borne disease, is estimated to cause the ninth-largest disease burden in Afghanistan.
– Four Leishmania species are considered endemic in northern Afghanistan, causing skin lesions and visceralization.

Malnutrition and Maternal Mortality in Afghanistan
– More than half of Afghan girls and boys experience permanent mental and physical damage due to poor nourishment in the first two years of life.
– High levels of malnutrition in children include a stunting rate of 60.5%, one-third of children underweight, and 50% of children 6-24 months with anemia.
– Efforts to address malnutrition include promoting healthy pregnancies, infant and young child feeding practices, adequate healthcare for children, and hygiene practices.
– Afghanistan has had a high number of maternal mortality cases, although the rate decreased from 1640 per 100,000 in 1980 to 400 per 100,000 in 2013.
– Measles caused over 380 child deaths in Afghanistan in 2022, and approximately 75,000 people suffer from measles.

Infectious Diseases in Afghanistan
– Afghanistan has reported cases of poliovirus, measles, Congo fever, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, kala-azar, and leprosy.
– The spread of HIV/AIDS has decreased in Afghanistan, and cases of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever have increased.
– Afghanistan has a high burden of tuberculosis, with over 76,000 cases reported annually.
– Polio remains a concern in Afghanistan, with 6 cases reported in 2023.

Healthcare Infrastructure and Statistics in Afghanistan
– Afghanistan has a shortage of healthcare workers, especially in rural and remote areas.
– Maternal and child mortality rates are high in Afghanistan.
– Afghanistan has a low number of healthcare workers per capita.
– Afghanistan has a high burden of infectious diseases.
– Malnutrition is a significant issue among Afghan children. Source URL:

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