

Etymology and Naming
– English name larch derives from Latin larigna
– Named after ancient settlement of Larignum
– Vitruvius preserved the story of its naming
– Divine Caesar ordered assault on Larignum
– Tower made of larch wood resisted fire

– Larches have streamlined trees
Root system is broad and deep
– Bark is finely cracked and wrinkled
– Wood is bicolor with pink heartwood and white sapwood
– Chromosome number is 2n = 24

Genus Larix present in temperate-cold zones of northern hemisphere
– Found in North America, Siberia, Europe, China, and Japan
– Important forest trees in Russia, Central Europe, US, and Canada
– Found in mountains of temperate zones and northern boreal zones
– Can reach tundra and polar ice in North America and Siberia

– North American species: Larix laricina, Larix lyallii, Larix occidentalis
– Siberian species with short bracts: Larix decidua, Larix sibirica, Larix gmelinii
– Japanese species: Larix kaempferi
– Southern Eurasian species with long bracts: Larix potaninii, Larix mastersiana, Larix griffithii

– Larch wood is tough, waterproof, and durable
– Valued for building yachts, exterior cladding, and interior paneling
– Resistant to rot when in contact with the ground
– Historically used as posts and in fencing
– Larch is a food plant for certain Lepidoptera species  Source:

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