

Legendary Emperors
– Hikohohodemi彦火火出見
– Emperor Jimmu神武天皇
– Emperor Suizei綏靖天皇
– Emperor Annei安寧天皇
– Emperor Itoku懿徳天皇
– Emperor Kōshō孝昭天皇
– Emperor Kōan孝安天皇
– Emperor Kōrei孝霊天皇
– Emperor Kōgen孝元天皇
– Emperor Kaika開化天皇

Emperors with Possibility of Existence
– Emperor Sujin崇神天皇
– Emperor Suinin垂仁天皇
– Emperor Keikō景行天皇
– Emperor Seimu成務天皇
– Emperor Chūai仲哀天皇

Empress and Deified Emperors
– Empress Jingū神功皇后
– Emperor Ōjin応神天皇
– Emperor Nintoku仁徳天皇
– Emperor Richū履中天皇
– Emperor Hanzei反正天皇

Historically Verifiable Emperors
– Emperor Kinmei欽明天皇
– Emperor Bidatsu敏達天皇
– Emperor Yōmei用明天皇
– Emperor Sushun崇峻天皇
– Empress Suiko推古天皇

Emperors from Different Historical Periods
– Emperors from the Asuka period (593-710)
– Emperors from the Nara period (710-794)
– Emperors from the Heian period (794-1185)
– Emperors from the Kamakura period (1185-1333)
– Emperors from the Muromachi period (1336-1573) Source URL:

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