

Prime Ministers during the Meiji era (1867-1912)
– Itō I served as the first prime minister during the Meiji era
– Kuroda Kiyotaka, Matsukata Masayoshi, Ōkuma Shigenobu, and Yamagata Aritomo also served as prime ministers during this period
– Itō Hirobumi served as prime minister twice during the Meiji era
– Saionji Kinmochi and Uchida Kōsai acted as prime ministers during intervals

Prime Ministers during the Shōwa era (1926-1989)
– Tanaka Giichi, Hamaguchi Osachi, and Wakatsuki Reijirō served as prime ministers during the Shōwa era
– Fumio Gotō, Kijūrō Shidehara, and Takahashi Korekiyo acted as prime ministers during intervals
– Tanaka Kōki, Inukai Tsuyoshi, and Saitō Makoto also served as prime ministers during this period
– Keisuke Okada, Hirota Kōki, and Mitsumasa Yonai were prime ministers during this era
– Fumimaro Konoe and Hideki Tōjō served as prime ministers during the Taisei Yokusankai period

Prime Ministers during the post-World War II period
– Yoshida Shigeru, Hatoyama Ichirō, and Satō Eisaku served as prime ministers during the post-WWII period
– Kakuei Tanaka, Takeo Miki, and Fukuda Takeo were prime ministers during this era
– Masayoshi Ōhira, Zenkō Suzuki, and Yasuo Fukuda also served as prime ministers
– Tarō Asō and Yukio Hatoyama were prime ministers during this period
– Naoto Kan and Yoshihiko Noda served as prime ministers before Shinzo Abe’s long tenure

Shinzo Abe’s tenure as the longest-serving prime minister
– Shinzo Abe served as prime minister for over 8 years, making him the longest-serving prime minister in Japan’s history
– Prince Naruhiko Higashikuni had the shortest tenure, resigning after only eight weeks
– Itō Hirobumi is the only person to have served as prime minister on four separate occasions
– Katsura Tarō holds the record for the longest-serving prime minister during the Imperial period (1885-1947)
– Twenty prime ministers served for less than a year, while six served for more than 5 years

Recent prime ministers and the Reiwa era
– Yoshihide Suga served as prime minister from September 2020 to October 2021
– Shinzo Abe served three separate terms as prime minister, with the last one ending in 2020
– Naruhito became the emperor in the Reiwa era, which began in 2019
– The Liberal Democratic Party has had several prime ministers in recent years, including Abe, Fukuda, and Aso
– The Democratic Party, led by Naoto Kan and Yoshihiko Noda, also had prime ministers during this period Source URL:

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