

Background and Legacy of the Taishō Era
– Etymology of the term Taishō
– Succession from Emperor Meiji to Emperor Taishō
– Influence of Western culture during the Taishō period
– Rise of the leftist movement and government suppression
Japan’s involvement in World War I and expansion in China

Japan after World War I: Taishō Democracy
– Unprecedented prosperity in the postwar era
– Recognition of Japan as one of the Big Five nations
Tokyo’s permanent seat on the Council of the League of Nations
– Transfer of German rights in Shandong to Japan and anti-Japanese riots in China
– Emergence of the two-party political system known as Taishō Democracy

Hara Takashi’s Leadership and Challenges
– Hara’s relationships in the government and support from the genrō and House of Peers
– Appointment of Tanaka Giichi for civil-military relations
– Major problems faced by Hara, including inflation and adjusting the economy
– Implementation of government-funded public works programs

Public Disillusionment and Calls for Reform
– Public disillusionment with national debt and new election laws
– Calls for universal suffrage and dismantling the old political party network
– Large and orderly public demonstrations for universal male suffrage
– Emergence of socialist and communist parties in the political milieu

Taishō Foreign Policy and Challenges
– Challenges to Japan’s foreign policy interests, including emerging Chinese nationalism and communist victory in Russia
– Japan’s economic problems and limitations on naval buildup
– Neutral attitude towards the civil war in China
– Agreements and treaties with the United States and other countries for rapprochement and stability in the Pacific region Source URL:

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