

Temperate Climates
– Temperate climates occur in the middle latitudes, between the tropics and the polar regions.
– These zones have wider temperature ranges and more distinct seasonal changes compared to tropical climates.
– Factors such as sea currents, prevailing wind direction, continentality, and altitude shape temperate climates.
– The Köppen climate classification defines a temperate climate as having a mean temperature above -3°C but below 18°C in the coldest month.
– Continental climates are a variety of temperate climates with more severe temperatures.

North Temperate Zone
– The north temperate zone extends from the Tropic of Cancer to the Arctic Circle.
– This zone experiences temperate climates with wider temperature ranges and distinct seasons.
– Monthly temperatures, the coldest month, and rainfall can further divide the temperate zone into smaller climate zones.
– The subtropical zone and the cool temperate zone are examples of smaller climate zones within the temperate zone.
– The north temperate zone is influenced by both the polar and tropical zones.

Subtropical Zone
– The subtropical zone is located between 23.5° and 35° north or south of the equator.
– Climates in this zone are influenced by the tropics, resulting in warmer temperatures, longer and hot summers, and shorter, mild winters.
– Humid subtropical climates have long, hot, and humid summers with peak rainfall in the hottest months.
– Monsoon subtropical climates have a wet-dry season, with winters being chilly and dry and summers having heavy rainfall.
– Mediterranean climates have a dry summer and wet winter, occurring mostly at the western edges and coasts of continents.

Subtropical Highland Climates
– Subtropical highland climates are found in mountainous areas of the tropics or subtropics.
– These climates have mild temperatures year-round and may experience the four seasons in the subtropics.
– Subtropical highland climates under the Cfb classification have rainfall spread evenly throughout the year.
– Climates under the Cwb classification have significant monsoon influence, with dry winters and wet summers.
– Subtropical highland climates are influenced by both the polar and tropical zones.

Middle Latitude Zone
– The middle latitude zone spans from approximately 35° to 66.5° north and south of the equator.
– This zone experiences equal climatic influences from both the polar and tropical zones.
– Oceanic climates in this zone have mild summers, cool winters, and evenly distributed precipitation.
– Humid continental climates have severe temperatures, with hot summers and cold winters.
– Regions with humid continental climates include southeastern Canada, parts of the United States, Europe, China, Japan, and the Korean Peninsula.  


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