

Formation and Composition of the Council of Five Elders
– Council members were chosen based on their relation to the taikō and their power in the country.
– Hideyoshi selected powerful daimyō to prevent authority from being concentrated in one person.
– Maeda Toshiie and Ukita Hideie were chosen for their closeness to Hideyoshi.
– Maeda Toshiie had served Oda Nobunaga and earned respect from the Toyotomi family.
– Ukita Hideie was adopted by Hideyoshi and had a close relationship with him.
– Hideyoshi appointed the Five Commissioners to oversee the basic business of the realm.
– The Five Commissioners were Asano Nagamasa, Mashita Nagamori, Ishida Mitsunari, Natsuka Masaie, and Maeda Geni.
– The Elders had assistants called chūro who acted as mediators.
– Nakamura Kazu-uji, Ikoma Chikamasa, and Horio Yoshiharu were the chūro at that time.
– The chūro helped with communication between the Elders and the Commissioners.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Council Members
– Raising Hideyoshi’s heir
– Attending to political business
– Withdrawal from Korea
– Other roles
– Power balance between the council
– Tokugawa Ieyasu: Founder and first shōgun of the Tokugawa shogunate, held the most power among the Five Elders, entrusted by Hideyoshi with control of Kanto and Okuryogoku, appointed as Regent temporarily after the Hidetsugu Incident, awarded the province of the Hojo by Hideyoshi.
– Ukita Hideie: Daimyō of Bizen and Mimasaka Provinces, banished to Hachijō Island after the Battle of Sekigahara, elected as one of the five elders at the age of 26, served as a daimyō during the Warring States period, participated in the Japanese invasions of Korea.
– Maeda Toshiie: Leading general of Oda Nobunaga, became one of the Five Elders at the age of 53, entrusted with the province of Kaga and Etchū, held a position as senior second rank, succeeded by his son, Maeda Toshinaga, as a member of the Five Elders.

Conflict and Consolidation of Power
– Friction generated between council members after Hideyoshi’s death
– Two factions formed: Bunchiha and Bundanha
– Death of Maeda Toshiie made Ieyasu the most experienced Elder
– Ieyasu justified going to battle due to Uesugi Kagekatsu’s actions
– Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 led to Ieyasu’s control
– Ieyasu became Shōgun in 1603
– Hideyori declared naidaijin
– Senhime married Hideyori to stabilize the relationship
– Ieyasu eliminated the Toyotomi clan
– Hideyori’s son Kunimatsu killed by Ieyasu

Origin of the Name Go-Tairō
– After Hideyoshi’s death, the Commissioners referred to Ieyasu and the other Elders as Go-bugyoshu.
– They referred to themselves as Toshiyoridomo on Kishomon.
– Hideyoshi used a talisman called Kumano-goufu when making oaths with daimyō.
– It is said that he made the Elders write vows to remain faithful to him after his death.
– This vow is known as Kishomon.

Influence and Depiction in Popular Culture
– Council of Five Elders depicted in Japanese historical dramas
– Mentioned in Taiga Drama, Gunshi Kanbei, Tenchijin, and Sanadamaru
– Elders referred to as Otonashu
– Early death of Maeda Toshiie increased Ieyasu’s power
– Ishida Mitsunari’s lack of popularity supported Ieyasu Source URL:

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